
It was 207 Squadron RAF Association's President, the late Air Vice Marshal David Dick who, with others, published the first consolidated list of Squadron Associations in the Autumn 1993 issue of INTERCOM, the Aircrew Association magazine.

This Register, under the editorship of Frank Haslam of 207 Squadron RAF Association, was originally named the British & Commonwealth Air Unit Register (BCAUR). The hope was that the Internet might make the previously published information available to a potentially wider audience.

In September 2001 both the Bomber Command Association and the Aircrew Association announced that this was superseding their publication of information on Association addresses; both made special arrangements for enquirers who were not 'on-line'.

On October 31 2013, 207 Squadron RAF Association formally closed down. Frank Haslam continues to maintain and edit RAFRA as part of the 207 Squadron Royal Air Force History websites at


To help those looking for the Association or Interest Group for a particular Royal Air Forces related unit or organisation.

The Register originally concentrated on units connected with World War II military aviation in the British or Commonwealth armed services. Although extensive, it does not claim to be comprehensive.

If you know someone who is ex-Air Force, who served in whatever capacity, would you please do your bit to honour the founding principle of the Register - to enable those who served (and their families) to find out whether an association exists for their Squadron or unit.

There are also sections dealing with US Army Air Forces in WWII and present day international military links. Information is welcome on Associations for Royal Auxiliary Air Force Squadrons (including Balloon Squadrons) and RAF Regiment Squadrons.

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