Keeping this site up to date and as accurate as possible

Undoubtedly there are errors in this list

If these are the result of mistakes in entering them, the editor apologises. There may also be errors in the original sources that have not been spotted. Those that have already been corrected are marked as updates.

Addresses change, so email addresses and telephone/fax numbers in particular may be out of date.

Please note that the [ ] items are NOT part of the addresses but indicate the source and date of the contact.

Please help to keep this list as up to date as possible by LETTING THE EDITOR KNOW
of any amendments or additions - DON'T assume that someone else should have!
Frank Haslam (RAFRA Editor), 56 Windfield, Leatherhead, Surrey, England KT22 8UQ

Contact shown

My apologies to Associations if I have noted Reunion contacts rather than the Membership Secretary etc.

Printing off lists

If you do this, remember that they are likely to become out of date and you should always return to check if there have been any changes. I gather that the Register gets passed around branches or meetings of a number of organisations so it is good to hear that it is being used off screen.

To print, place your cursor on this side of the screen, right click, and select 'Print' from the menu that appears.

next - when you make contact with an Association